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Principle of Design 

The size relationship between 1 part of an image to another part of the image, or the relationship between 1 part of the image to the whole image.

Definition ;
Explaining Proportion

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How is proportion like ratio?

Ratio is illustrates the relationship between two things, often qualities, while a proportion refers to the equality of two given ratios. A ratio is generally only an expression, while a proportion can be written as an algebraic equation. Proportions are related to ratios in that they tell you when two ratios are equal to each other. When things are proportional, they are also similar to each other, the difference is the size, Same as the ratio.

 Famous Artwork

This image uses proportion because it refers to the relative size of parts of a whole (elements within an object ).We often think of proportions in terms of size relationships within the human body.  For example if you compare the baby chick to the old man  the baby chick  is the proportion because he is bigger than a normal chick would be .

This is a good example of proportion because the girl's face is really huge and shows a mountain imprinted on her right side where her left cheek is at. On top of the mountain it shows a lady and her dog walking up the mountain to their small house. They're both small compared to the girl's face. Scale and proportion in art are both concerned with size.

This image represents proportion because the bigger hand is a normal sized human/adult hand. On the other hand, the baby's hand is way smaller since a baby's hand is way smaller since a baby's hand is developing and going to grow in the future. This shows a scale between a big and small hand not making it look weird. Proportion refers to how one part of an object relates to the whole object in size.

(1) Is there such a thing as the perfect proportion of a human face?

Proportion is primarily concerned with the relationship of one part to another. Our eye is pleased with good proportion and disturbed by poor proportion, but the choice remains a personal judgment.  It involves every aspect of design and is extremely visual. In Interior Design there is a “two-thirds to one thirds” rule as reference for the selection of colors, textures and patterns. Ancient Greeks designed all their buildings on the Golden section 2:3

Human Scale Reference

Scale refers primarily to the relative size or character of an object or to its parts. This is in comparison with other objects either in whole or in part. A chair is small and a table is large, but either can be small or large in scale depending on the space they are placed in. This also involves the human measurement also known as anthropometrics. The human measurement is fairly predictable but can be quite measurable. At often times, statues and memorials are constructed in a scale larger than life to represent how important that person was.

What is the Golden Ratio? The Golden Ratio is a special number found by dividing a line into two parts so that the longer part divided by the smaller part is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer part. It is often symbolized using phi, after the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet. In an equation form, it looks like this:                                        

a/b = (a+b)/a = 1.6180339887498948420 …

What is the Golden Ratio

Human beauty is based on the Divine Proportion The lines are part of a unisex beauty mask that allegedly depicts the facial proportions of the most beautiful face, irrespective of race. Like A Facial recognition If the mask proportions apply to beautiful faces irrespective of sex or race, then the mask likely has some interesting biological significance.the evidence, however, shows that our perception of physical beauty is hardwired into our being and based on how closely the features of one’s face reflect phi in their proportions.  

Even with a perfectly proportioned face though, there are endless variations in coloring and the shapes of each facial feature eyes, eyebrows, lips, nose, etc.that give rise to the distinctive appearance of each race and provide for endless variations in beauty that are as unique as each individual.  The human face conforms most closely to phi proportions when we smile.  You’ll be perceived as more beautiful with a warm smile.nterestingly, symmetry in the face does not necessarily equate to beauty.  Many, if not most, faces that are perceived as beautiful are usually not even close to being perfect in symmetry of the left and right sides.  Perfect symmetry tends to result in a face that appears unnatural, animated or robot-like.



I drew a face to represent human scale proportion also a body and quadrants of how to draw a realistic body. The reason for the face is to represent a beauty mask, like a face recognition but there is endless variations of facial features.

The drawing of Mario uses proportion.The drawing uses proportion because the  foreground which is mario is bigger than the stuff on the middleground and background . This image is a great example of proportion because it describes the size and uses  Mario as Proportion. Also in this picture the two things that are being compared are the mushroom and Mario because Mario is bigger when he usually is not and he usually is the same size as the mushroom.  

This image of the feet uses proportion . I think this image uses proportion because the one of the parents feet is bigger than the little kids feet . So that means that the proportion would be the parents feets because it’s bigger than the other feet. Proportion is usually used to compare to items or things . An example of proportion is the parent’s feet.

I believe this wix picture represents proportion because the person standing on the edge of a small cliff appears to be very tiny as to her surroundings they appear very large like the body of water below her and to her left the mountain.

This picture represent proportion because it represent a size relationship between one part of a image and another part of the image. As you can see. The ship is the smallest thing  in this image, and it  is surrounded  by a huge deep ocean.

The above image is a good example of proportion because when you compare the bird to the rest of the maintains you find the bird small and tiny and the mountains big. And proportion is a size relationship between two part of an image.

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